When you reach that certain age and your parents are homeowners, then the chances are that they are encouraging you to look at Moving Home in Harrogate. Before you rush into anything, you should investigate the differences between buying and renting. However, today history suggests more people rent now.

Here we will discuss some pros and cons and look at both sides of the debate. 

Should I investigate buying properties? 

The property market has shifted, although history suggests that even if you buy at the very peak of the market if you can afford to keep the property, eventually prices tend to increase or decrease.  

Consider discussing all possibilities with your Mortgage Advisor in Harrogate (and family) before being committed to the purchase; you could end up going through a rough time, and things don’t always plan how they should which could result selling the house. 

It’s always important to plan far ahead

That said, we are talking about a Home here, not merely an investment, and the most critical driver is finding a suitable one for you given all your circumstances.

Is a Mortgage cheaper than renting?

Bear in mind mortgage payments will be cheaper than rent. Interest rates go up and down, which mean your mortgage payments can go up and down too.; 

If you are worried about that then you should take out a fixed-rate mortgage, so your payments remain the same for a set period.

Then again rents either stay the same or go up – it’s a rare occurrence for a Landlord to reduce your rent.


Some people feel in a more stable situation when they own their own home for them and their family. As the homeowner, there is no way that you can be made to leave if you can afford the mortgage payments. 

While you do have some protection as a tenant in terms of how much notice your landlord needs to provide to you. If they want the house back, the security is limited. 

It could be a very stressful situation, especially if you have a family, with children in the local school and work nearby. 

In some cases, when a landlord chooses to sell their property. They will often speak with their tenant first and offer them the chance to purchase the property before they put in on the open market. It can save the landlord money on estate agency fees.


Renting is more flexible than owning, nothing can stop you giving your Landlord notice to leave if you get a job offer in other areas, for example. 

It’s challenging for a Homeowner. You will have to decide whether you want to rent out your home or sell it, which can be time consuming and expensive. 

Consider this if you aren’t planning on being around the area for the long term, is it worth buying?

Buying somewhere needs to be viewed as a long-term investment. 


As a tenant, your landlord should be responsible for any significant repairs. Some Letting Agents and Landlords are better than others when it comes to repairs, however, and even if you are renting, you might end up doing some minor maintenance of the property yourself.

It’s all down to the homeowner to ensure the property is in the best living condition of any mortgage taken out.

Consider the following 

Contrary to what some people might say, owning your own home is not for everyone. If you are young and moving in with your partner for the first time, there’s nothing wrong with renting for a while. Things don’t always work out the way we plan, and it can be tough to get removed from a mortgage.

Buying a home is an enormous financial commitment, and you need to consider all the options before going straight in if you decide to rent though it might take you much longer to save up for a deposit.

Everyone is entitled to their opinion, and most people end up seeing more upsides to buying rather than renting.

Whether you’re renting or paying a mortgage, you’re making monthly payments to live somewhere, and most would rather see this go towards their benefit than someone else’s. 

It’s sometimes just a case of getting your timing right and being in the correct financial position to be able to proceed.

Date Last Edited: December 28, 2023