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How to Improve your Credit Score in Harrogate?

What is a credit score?

A credit score is a tool that lenders use to measure whether or not an applicant can afford a mortgage or not. The higher your credit score, the more likely it is that you’ll get accepted for a mortgage. Which means that if you have a low credit score, your chances of getting a mortgage are lowered.

Having a high credit score may sound great, however, it doesn’t guarantee you a mortgage in any way. Each lender has their own unique lending criteria and it’s more than likely that you won’t meet all of them. Sometimes it’s down to your circumstances and not just your score.

Matching Lender’s Criteria

It is more than likely that each lender will have completely different lending criteria. Lenders have almost carved out their own niche market. You could end up matching with lots of lenders or it may only be a couple, but all that matters is that you match with one and get an amazing mortgage deal from it!

Whether you receive help from a Mortgage Broker in Harrogate or go solo and use your bank, it’s their job to help you compare deals and match you with a lender.

As a Mortgage Broker in Harrogate, we would always recommend taking up our free mortgage consultation offer. This way, we can evaluate your situation and compare deals for you straight away. If you go to a bank, you could just be added to a waiting list.

If you are struggling to match a lender’s criteria, it could be down to multiple things or maybe just one. The most common reason why people don’t match their lender’s criteria is that they have a low credit score. If this is your situation, then you need to find some ways to improve your credit score.

Avoid Unnecessary Credit Searches

Having unnecessary credit searches on your file could negatively impact your credit score. Lenders don’t particularly like seeing repeated credit checks; they may think that there is a reason behind it and they may even start asking you questions about it. Even using price comparison websites could damage your score.

On another note, if you are applying for a mortgage, it is unwise to apply for any form of extra credit in the meantime of your application.

If you manage to pay back owed money before your application, it will look good on your file, however, if you are borrowing/paying back money during your application, it will have a reverse effect. If you borrow credit, some lenders’ could think that you cannot afford the deposit and are relying on the credit to help you.

Are you registered on the voter’s roll?

A great way to improve your credit score is to register onto the Voter’s Roll. Lenders love seeing applicants that are registered on it as it indicates stability. It’s really easy to get yourself registered and the fact that it can boost your credit score surely means that you have to sign up if you haven’t before!

Even if you are already registered, it’s always a good idea to double-check that you have entered all of your information correctly. If you have an old address on their system, lenders will easily spot this mistake and it could go against your score.

Are you registered on the voter’s roll?

Maxing out your card each month will have a detrimental effect on your credit score. If you are using a credit card, a lender would much rather that you pay off the full balance each month rather than cutting it short. Showing you can meet set payments each month shows reliability and can help your chances of being accepted for a mortgage.

On the other hand, if you are doing the opposite and exceeding your credit limits or overdrafts, your lender will think that you don’t take your finances seriously. This could massively impact your credit score, especially if you get declined by a lender due to this reason.

Check That Your Address is up to Date

Your address should always be up-to-date. People usually get caught out when they move out from their parent’s house and forget to update all of their address’.

If you forget to change your address on things such as credit accounts, it will appear that you are living in two separate places. This can hurt your credit score once lenders see this so make sure that you are keeping on top of what address’ are linked with each of your accounts.

Close Down Your Unused Credit Accounts

If you have any store/credit cards that are no longer in use, you should contact the provider and get them to fully close down your old account(s). These types of accounts are probably doing more damage than you think.

However, if you manage to close your account(s) it could still have a negative effect on your credit score as the credit reference can’t really tell if it’s you closing the account or the provider.

Don’t worry about this, if they ask, you will have to explain and it could work in your favour as you are proving that you want to improve your chances of being accepted.

Remember that it’s always good to check up on these types of things just in case. For example, you could’ve lost a card and you didn’t realise, then you fall victim for fraud. This could end up having a worse effect on your score.

Remove Your Financial Link to Others

People often don’t know that they are still financially tied to a family member or ex-partner. If this is the case, it can have a negative effect on your credit score without you even realising.

If the account that you are still tied to is still active, you must know that you will not be able to remove your link just yet. If you want to remove any of these links, then you should get in touch with the credit reference agencies and make a request.


As a Mortgage Broker in Harrogate, we know that some applicants see credit scoring as an unfair way of determining whether or not you’ll get accepted for a mortgage. For example, you may have a low credit score due to personal circumstances that couldn’t be prevented.

As a Mortgage Broker in Harrogate, we mostly see that it’s people that are moving home or self employed in Harrogate struggle with their credit score. However, if this isn’t your mortgage situation and you still need help with improving your credit score, you know to get in touch with.

Sending an up-to-date credit report to your expert Mortgage Broker in Harrogate could prove extremely beneficial to your mortgage journey. A great tool that we always recommend to our customers is

Check My File Banner
Try it FREE for 30 days, then £14.99 a month – cancel online anytime.

The more your advisor knows about your finances the better. There are still some lenders out there that prefer to do things the old-fashioned way and will manually assess your application. They will still have rules that they stick by about the number of defaults and CCJ’s that they will allow.

A Mortgage Broker in Harrogate, like us, likes to do things the new way and will always aim to deliver you the same fast and friendly mortgage advice service that you are all used to. We hope to hear from you soon.

Mortgage Agreement in Principle and Soft Credit Searches in Harrogate

What is an Agreement in Principle?

The purpose of an Agreement in Principle (AIP) is to determine whether or not you pass a Lender credit score to qualify for a potential mortgage. Sometimes this is also referred to as a Decision in Principle.

By obtaining yourself an Agreement in Principle, you are ready to support any potential offers you make as a first time buyer in Harrogate. Having one of these may also put you in a place to negotiate a lower price as it shows the seller you are serious and have the means to proceed with the purchase.

Will obtaining an Agreement in Principle impact my Credit Score? 

Common practice these days seems to lean more towards soft searches, though even these could still affect your credit score. Usually this would be more likely with a hard search, with soft searches generally leaving your credit score unaffected.

The difference between the two, is that a soft search won’t dig as deeply as a hard search. You can always rest assured though that the lender has chosen either with the best of intentions.

Should I stay away from hard credit checks? 

Now and again a hard search or two should be fine. It becomes slightly more problematic if you start having multiple hard searches over a short amount of time. Soft searches won’t show up on your credit report, but a hard search will. This looks bad, especially if you don’t pass the different criteria.

Don’t let this put you off however, as if you know you know you have a good credit score and taking a hard search with that lender is the best deal, you’ll most likely be fine.

Does my Agreement in Principle a guarantee that I will get the Mortgage? 

We really wish it were the case, but sadly no, there are no guarantees that having an Agreement in Principle will get you a mortgage. You still need to present the lender with your documents and it’s only then, that the underwriter will make the final decision on your case.

A regular occurrence here at Harrogatemoneyman, is customers getting in touch after being declined at application stage. This is often down to missing some of the small print mentioned in their Agreement in Principle. You will need to provide identification for proof of who you are, payslips for proof of income, and bank statements for proof of handle your finances the right way. Without these, your case won’t go to offer.

Can I make an offer without having an Agreement in Principle? 

If we were to get technical, the answer is yes you can. However, it is highly unrecommended and any credible estate agent will not proceed without proof that you can proceed.

How long does is the process of getting an Agreement in Principle? 

Within 24 hours of speaking with a mortgage advisor in Harrogate it is possible to obtain an Agreement in Principle.

How long will an Agreement in Principle last?

Generally speaking, an Agreement in Principle will expire around the 30-90 days mark. The good thing is though, that this doesn’t mean you should just apply for the first house you find. If your Agreement in Principle expires, it is relatively straightforward to have it refreshed when you are ready to make an offer on a property.

Finding a mortgage only to be declined a mortgage can be a major disappointment, we get that. We recommend getting an Agreement in Principle as early as you can to avoid that disappointment.

Which Property Survey to Choose? Mortgage Advice in Harrogate

Different Types of Property Surveys in Harrogate | MoneymanTV

What is a Property Survey?

When an offer is accepted on a property, usually the next step of to get a property survey sorted. Having this carried out will determine whether or not the property price is accurate or it needs adjusting due to the condition it is in. In the case where there is something found on the survey, the buyer does have the right by law to approach the seller to negotiate a price for the works required.

This is carried out by a property surveyor who will make you aware of any minor damages that need to be sorted

Property Survey Types

As a First Time Buyer in Harrogate, you may have been unaware of the different property survey types. Below are the three main types of property surveys available to you.

  1. Mortgage Valuation
  2. Homebuyer’s Report
  3. Full Structural Survey

Mortgage Valuation

The cheapest option available is a basic valuation. This is a regular survey that you need to have carried out before the mortgage offer is received and is different to a full survey. By doing this, it confirms to the lender that the property is worth at least what they are lending to the buyer. You may find that your mortgage lender will offer a free basic valuation as part of your deal.

One thing with mortgage valuation is that it will not make you aware of any repairs that are needed. On the flip side, it may mention obvious that is recommended to be investigated further.

Homebuyer’s Report

If you are wanting your property to be checked over for structural safety and let you know of any problems like dampness along with anything that doesn’t meet the current building regulations, a homebuyer’s report is perfect for this. This will provide you with an independent report of the property written by an expert.

You need to make sure that the two surveys aren’t being paid for by asking the mortgage companies surveyor who will carry out this report. Usually, this can take up to a day to complete if it’s a large property.

Full Structural Survey

A Full Structural Survey is suitable for older properties and those made from non-standard construction. The duration of a full structural survey depends on the property size and type, but it can take as long as a day to complete.

Even though a Full Structural Survey is the most expensive property survey, it will provide you with a detailed report. This report will highlight the overall condition of the property as well as highlight any major repairs that need to be carried out.

If you are looking for a surveyor to carry out a Homebuyers report or building survey through the Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors.

Do I need to get a survey on a new build?

When it comes to new build property, surveys would work slightly differently. You may think that you won’t need a property survey carried out because it’s a new property. It can be best to do this just in case.

A Snagging Survey is designed for new builds. You will be provided with a report that gives insight on the property’s overall condition, highlighting both minor and major issues. The survey will mention something as simple as a missing door hinge to a crack in the ceiling (which is unlikely to find in a new build).

For those moving into a new build that’s already been built, it would be best to get a snagging survey carried out on the property prior you move in. Having this will support you further when it comes to negotiating the price if there are any issues with the property.

How can our Mortgage Advisors in Harrogate help you?

A Mortgage Advisor in Harrogate can help you find the most appropriate property survey for you. Book your free mortgage appointment online or give us a call to connect to an expert advisor.

Here at Harrogatemoneyman, we have helped lots of First Time Buyers and Home Mover in Harrogate find the most appropriate property survey for their new home.

Why Should I Use a Mortgage Broker in Harrogate?

There are multiple reasons as to why you should use a Mortgage Broker in Harrogate. However, there is still the chance to go direct to a lender if you wish to, with the added option of doing it either in branch or online. Within this article we will include the pros and cons of both methods.

Pros and cons

When choosing the option of going direct to your bank or building society, you won’t have to pay the Broker fee, so that is an advantage in itself. Years ago, the bank manager would know your finances better than anyone but that is not the case since credit scoring was introduced.  Another advantage of doing this would be the fact that some lenders offer exclusive mortgage products that would only be available by going direct. They also use this technique with Brokers too, so that exclusive offers are only available through them. This is put into place to maintain a good spread of business from both customers and brokers.

From 2014, lenders were banned from selling mortgages on a non-advised basis when customer interaction is involved. Up until this point, some applicants were under the impression that they had received advice when in fact they hadn’t and as a result of this, they weren’t able to benefit from parts of the consumer protection that goes along with proper advised mortgage sales.

This change had meant that lenders had to get used to a different system which meant longer waiting times for an appointment and this can still be the case in contemporary settings. This can be a struggle if you’ve just had an offer accepted on a house. The frustration that came with waiting for an appointment led to a rise in applications being made via Brokers due to the same day mortgage service being available.

Before the days of credit scoring and such it was much more difficult to compare mortgages whereas nowadays it’s a lot easier to find a competitive mortgage online. On the other hand, there is an increased difficulty in finding a lender whose criteria and mortgage product is tailored to your circumstances. It is important to keep in mind that the deals with the lowest rates tend to carry high arrangement fees.


Affordability is another key point to take on board. A lenders deal could be amazing for you but if they won’t lend you enough money then it’s useless. Most mortgage applications these days aren’t straightforward, for example, you may have:

Will lenders be lenient?

Most lenders try to stay relevant in the mortgage market by offering a better deal than their competition. The way they do this is by differentiating themselves on Lending Criteria. For example, some will be more lenient with Self Employed in Harrogate applicants or take a more sympathetic view on faults on a credit report.

Every mortgage situation is unique but if you approach an experienced Mortgage Broker in Harrogate then they will be able to reflect on past cases to see if there is a similar solution to decide the best outcome and hopefully find the lowest rate that’s available. 

But it’s not just about getting the mortgage. Even if an application itself is straightforward, we find that our customers rely on us for many other things. For example, we sit down and discuss how much they are going to offer on the property that they are buying. We often recommend other professional services too such as Solicitors and explain the different types of survey and protection available.

Speak to a Mortgage Advisor in Harrogate

Another key aspect which benefits customers is responsiveness which you are guaranteed with one of our Mortgage Advisors in Harrogate, with our Mortgage Broker in Harrogate we make sure that out of hours and weekend appointments are available along with responding to clients’ emails on an evening outside of office hours.

An overlooked factor of why a Mortgage Broker in Harrogate might be preferable is purely for the fact of time. Everyone is prone to have periods in their life when they’re just too busy and a mortgage application can sometimes be stressful and time-consuming.

Our Mortgage Advisors in Harrogate aim to take this stress away and handle the full transaction for you. Professional applicants see the real extent of the advantages of this as they have customers of their own that they charge out their services to so they see the reasons to have an expert on board.

Lenders are on par with Brokers in some departments but in others they are yet to step up. Perhaps lenders may want to advance ahead of Mortgage Brokers and will most likely avoid staffing up their branch networks and instead make investments in technology to transact with customers online which may be a disadvantage for customers who prefer a more face to face approach that’s available with our Mortgage Advisors in Harrogate.

How to get a Mortgage if You’re Over 40 

Open & Honest Mortgage Broker in Harrogate

The simple answer is yes, you can get a mortgage if you’re over 40. This does depend on your situation regarding your application, however, this is an option in the mortgage world.

For applicants who are looking to extend their mortgage term beyond the age of retirement, the mortgage lender may want to have an insight of a rough estimate on the amount of pension income you are going to have.

Through our experience, we have found that there are many instances where customers who are in or over their 40s are usually First Time Buyer in Harrogate. Furthermore, many customers in this demographic usually are declined because of their age.

Why are over 40s being declined mortgages and what can be done?

To start, let’s go back to the past. Before the time of computerised credit scoring and the levels of regulation that are common today. For instance, if you visited a building society in search of a mortgage, it’s likely to you would speak to your branch manager.

Their job it looks at your personal situation such as how well you have been able to manage your current account. From this, they would conclude if they will approve your application.

In the case where you are accepted, it’s then time to get the advice you need regarding the amount you could borrow which is usually present as multiple of your gross salary.

The one problem with this was that these income multiples were not factored into the age of the applicant. This means that whether you were 30 years old or 50 years old, you could borrow the same mortgage amount either way.

You may be wondering what the problem is with this as you may see it as a fair arrangement. However, if both applicants were coming towards to retire at the age of 65, each individual would have different outcomes.

An example of this is if an applicant had a £70,000 (capital and interest combined) mortgage with a national interest rate of 5%:

With this example, both applicants earn the same, looking to retire at the same age, with the same mortgage interest rate and the same overall amount to pay back.

The one difference between the two is that the second applicant’s monthly payments are a lot higher. Therefore, if mortgage rates end up rising, it could increase the risk of arrears and repossession.

Because of these reasons, the mortgage calculator now factors in the maximum term of the mortgage (i.e., how old you are) along with the income you bring in and the amount you have regularly going out.

You’ll have to borrow a lower amount

The concern isn’t that older customers are being turned down but the amount they were thinking of borrowing is a lot lower than expected. As the general public, we are reminded consistently that we will need to work until a later age by the Government before qualifying for our State Pension. Unfortunately, the banks don’t seem to keep this in mind when granting mortgages. We can take a more in-depth insight into this:

This isn’t always the case for everyone because some occupations that involve manual work will not be fit for those in your seventies.

Lenders are closely monitored when it comes to repossessions and arrears cases which means they want to minimise this risk. Taking a property into possessions can cost a lot of money and build up a negative reputation for the lender. With this in mind, when they are approving mortgages for mature applicants they don’t want to be seen kicking out a vulnerable older person because they couldn’t afford their payments.

Lenders will consider granting mortgages beyond normal retirement ages as long as there is enough evidence proving that they can keep up with payments after retirement. In terms of evidence, you could provide a letter from your Pension provider with a projection of your future income. One issue here is that many people will usually take a reduction in income at retirement. This means that you will need to demonstrate that the mortgage monthly


In 2011, the default retirement age was removed which meant employers no longer had the power to force an employee to retire. Therefore, lenders use the State Retirement age ad the age that the mortgage must be paid off, however, these days, lenders will let the retirement age be self-declared.

For those in this current situation, you must be ready to answer the question of how you will afford your mortgage in the future. Consumer protections and regulations are there with the purpose to protect consumers as well as stimulate judicious lending.

Preparing for a mortgage at over 40 years old

We have a team of Specialist Mortgage Advisors in Harrogate who will be able to provide a helping hand through the process and will recommend you the best way for your mortgage application and the options that are appropriate for your situation.

Preparing for a Mortgage Application in Harrogate

Mortgage Advice in Harrogate

So, you’ve saved up for your deposit (or got the green light from “Bank of Mum and Dad”) and made the decision to move home in Harrogate.

What’s the next step? It’s time to get prepared for your mortgage with our Mortgage Advisors in Harrogate.

Know where you stand

Speaking to an experienced Mortgage Broker in Harrogate as early on in the process as possible will be beneficial as you know how much you can borrow for a mortgage and how much it will all cost.

Obtaining an up to date credit report should also be at the top of your list, you don’t want a meaningless squabble with your mobile phone provider holding you back from buying a home.

Taking the above two steps will give you a meaningful expectation of how possible this is going to be and what your budget is.

Getting Organised

Your Mortgage Broker in Harrogate will obtain a fully credit-checked Agreement in Principle on your behalf but you’ll have to prove who you are, where you live and how much you earn.

There really is loads of paperwork for you to get together so it’s a good idea to open a file for yourself and start collecting everything in advance.

Proof of ID

In terms of proving who you are you’ll need to produce some photo ID such as a Driving license or passport, if you’re a non-UK national working over here on a Visa you’ll need that too.

Proof of Address

In addition to the above, you’ll need to prove where you live. You’ll need to produce a utility bill or original bank statement dated within the last 3 months.

Last 3 months’ bank statements

Further to the Mortgage Market Review of 2014 the analysis of your spending habits has become one of the most important determining factors in whether you’ll qualify for a mortgage or not.

Your bank statements should evidence your income and regular expenditures.

Lenders will not be happy to see gambling transactions on your account and nor will they like it if you go over an agreed overdraft limit or if your direct debits bounce regularly.

Proof of Deposit

You will have to prove you have the funds in place for the deposit and also evidence this for anti-money laundering purposes.

Try not to move money around your various accounts too much as it will make evidencing the audit trail more difficult. Lenders like to see your savings building up so you’ll need to account for any large credits into your accounts.

Quite often money for deposits has been gifted by family members. These funds need to be evidenced also and the “donor” will need to sign a letter to confirm it’s a non-refundable gift, not a loan.

Proof of Income

In terms of affordability, the most important thing is to be able to prove your income. If you are employed this tends to be by way of your last 3 months’ payslips and most recent P60. Lenders can take into account regular overtime, commission, shift allowance and bonus.

If you are Self Employed then you’ll need your Accountant’s help to request your tax year overview.

A list of your expected outgoings

It’s a good idea to do your homework and write down an estimate of your anticipated outgoings after you move house. You can work out an idea of how much the council tax and utility bills will be plus your regular expenditures such as food and drink and demonstrate how much disposable income you have available to pay your mortgage from.

As you can see from the above, it’s a real paper trail when you are applying for a mortgage but if you want your application to run like clockwork you’ll need to put the time aside to get everything together.

It’s better to get all this at the outset and collate everything that the Lender could possibly ask for. As this saves time and frustration later down the line if you’re subsequently asked for paperwork you could have had ready at the outset.

Buying a Property in Joint Names in Harrogate

Helpful Mortgage Advice in Harrogate

Statistics show that in recent years property prices have increased at a faster rate than wages. We have found that many people look to purchase in joint names with a partner or friend in order to be able to afford a suitable home at a more reasonable price.

Purchasing in joint names usually will increase your maximum borrowing capacity, as the lender will look at all parties income and take this into account when running the affordability calculations.

How Many People Can Co-Own a Property?

Surprisingly, we work with some lenders who will accept up to 4 people co-owning a property. If for any reason, one of the co-owners of the property decides to no longer contribute to the mortgage repayments, any joint owners will still have the legal right to reside in the property unless this is ruled otherwise by a court.

If you would like to increase the mortgage at a later date, you must gain consent from all co-owners involved. It’s therefore essential that you make long term plans about what will happen in the future should you end up wanting different things.  

Joint Tenancy or Tenancy in Common?

We find the most popular Tenancy for married couples or those in civil partnerships is ‘Joint Tenancy’. With this type of tenure, if either party were to pass away, the property would be handed over to the co-owner. If you have taken out relevant life insurance, at this point, your mortgage would be repaid.

With ‘Joint Tenancy’, when looking to remortgage or sell the property in the future. It would be required that all names on the tenancy agree to this.  

When purchasing with relatives or friends, we find that ‘Tenants In common’ is the most popular tenure. You will still jointly co-own the property but are have the flexibility to do so not with equal shares. This works well if one party is making a more significant financial contribution than the other. 

With ‘Tenants in Common’, another positive aspect, is that you can act independently. For example, you can choose to sell or give away your share of the property to someone else without the need to consult other parties. 

Do I have to pay the mortgage if we separate?

All mortgage borrowers are jointly and severally liable for mortgage payments. If you find yourself paying all future payments without a co-owner, you will still be liable. You are preventing the mortgage from falling into any debt. As mortgage arrears showing on your credit file could have the potential to stop you from obtaining a mortgage in the future. 

It is best to think of it like this: You don’t own 50% of a property, you own 100% jointly.

How do I remove my ex-partner from a Joint Mortgage?

Lenders will need to be confident that you can keep up with monthly payments on your own before they can approve of this happening. 

When purchasing a home with a partner, it’s a whole new chapter starting in your life and can be a great way to start fresh with another individual. In all the excitement of moving home, it can make you wonder about the justifications if things go sideways. 

As seen from above, a mortgage is a big financial commitment and making changes is going to be a challenge. 

With physical proof that you can maintain mortgage payments since your old partner moved, the lender may agree to your request to put the mortgage into your single name. However, Lenders like the idea that there are two people to pursue in the event of arrears occurring. To remove someone, they will carry out a brand-new affordability assessment, precisely in the same way as they would at the point of purchase.

Whilst a lender may not accept a request, it’s always beneficial to speak with a mortgage advisor beforehand, as there may be other lenders who could agree to your transfer request.

It can also be worth talking to family members to see if they can help you out to make life a little bit easier. They can do so by replacing your ex on your mortgage or by gifting you a lump sum to reduce the amount owed, meaning your savings can contribute to easing your future mortgage payments.

Can I remove my name from a Joint Mortgage?

If you and your partner split up and you leave the family home, then your responsibility is still shared for mortgage payments even if an agreement was settled with your ex that they will make all the payments.

If you are sending your partner money each month, you should keep an eye on your credit report to ensure they are paying the mortgage. If they default, then it will impact your own score.

Is your name still linked with an existing mortgage? Then the payments for that will be considered if you buy a new home of your own. That will mean Lenders might not lend you as much as you would like.

Buying a home with someone is different from renting with them. It’s always better to agree on what would happen to the house should things not plan out as expected. If you want some help from a Specialist Mortgage Advisor in Harrogate, feel free to contact us anytime!

Is Buying Better Than Renting in Harrogate?

When you reach that certain age and your parents are homeowners, then the chances are that they are encouraging you to look at Moving Home in Harrogate. Before you rush into anything, you should investigate the differences between buying and renting. However, today history suggests more people rent now.

Here we will discuss some pros and cons and look at both sides of the debate. 

Should I investigate buying properties? 

The property market has shifted, although history suggests that even if you buy at the very peak of the market if you can afford to keep the property, eventually prices tend to increase or decrease.  

Consider discussing all possibilities with your Mortgage Advisor in Harrogate (and family) before being committed to the purchase; you could end up going through a rough time, and things don’t always plan how they should which could result selling the house. 

It’s always important to plan far ahead

That said, we are talking about a Home here, not merely an investment, and the most critical driver is finding a suitable one for you given all your circumstances.

Is a Mortgage cheaper than renting?

Bear in mind mortgage payments will be cheaper than rent. Interest rates go up and down, which mean your mortgage payments can go up and down too.; 

If you are worried about that then you should take out a fixed-rate mortgage, so your payments remain the same for a set period.

Then again rents either stay the same or go up – it’s a rare occurrence for a Landlord to reduce your rent.


Some people feel in a more stable situation when they own their own home for them and their family. As the homeowner, there is no way that you can be made to leave if you can afford the mortgage payments. 

While you do have some protection as a tenant in terms of how much notice your landlord needs to provide to you. If they want the house back, the security is limited. 

It could be a very stressful situation, especially if you have a family, with children in the local school and work nearby. 

In some cases, when a landlord chooses to sell their property. They will often speak with their tenant first and offer them the chance to purchase the property before they put in on the open market. It can save the landlord money on estate agency fees.


Renting is more flexible than owning, nothing can stop you giving your Landlord notice to leave if you get a job offer in other areas, for example. 

It’s challenging for a Homeowner. You will have to decide whether you want to rent out your home or sell it, which can be time consuming and expensive. 

Consider this if you aren’t planning on being around the area for the long term, is it worth buying?

Buying somewhere needs to be viewed as a long-term investment. 


As a tenant, your landlord should be responsible for any significant repairs. Some Letting Agents and Landlords are better than others when it comes to repairs, however, and even if you are renting, you might end up doing some minor maintenance of the property yourself.

It’s all down to the homeowner to ensure the property is in the best living condition of any mortgage taken out.

Consider the following 

Contrary to what some people might say, owning your own home is not for everyone. If you are young and moving in with your partner for the first time, there’s nothing wrong with renting for a while. Things don’t always work out the way we plan, and it can be tough to get removed from a mortgage.

Buying a home is an enormous financial commitment, and you need to consider all the options before going straight in if you decide to rent though it might take you much longer to save up for a deposit.

Everyone is entitled to their opinion, and most people end up seeing more upsides to buying rather than renting.

Whether you’re renting or paying a mortgage, you’re making monthly payments to live somewhere, and most would rather see this go towards their benefit than someone else’s. 

It’s sometimes just a case of getting your timing right and being in the correct financial position to be able to proceed.

The Main Reasons People Decide to Move House in Harrogate

Moving Home Mortgage Advice in Harrogate

There are a plethora of reasons why someone may look to move home. With our extensive experience and knowledge as a Mortgage Broker in Harrogate, below are some common reasons why Moving Home in Harrogate may be the perfect fit for you.

Increase in Room Size and family members

Over time, when you are living in your current property for a while, you may be looking for a larger property. Generally, First Time Buyers in Harrogate start off in a property that is more affordable and smaller to start. As circumstances change in the future like starting a family, you may be thinking of living somewhere that could improve your living situation.

Alternative many borrowers do go for instead of Moving Home in Harrogate is to look to raise capital to build an extension via a Remortgage. This option is fitting for growing families who would like to keep on making memories in their current homes.

In some cases, parents may look to convert their loft into a bedroom for one of their children, meaning they have a spare room that you could make into a gym or home office. You decide! Remortgaging can be useful to those who are looking to carry out home improvements which, in turn, could raise their property value when they sell it down the line.

Change of Scenery

We usually find that people look to move home for a change of scenery by exploring different areas. The majority of these people are First Time Buyers that have a limited budget and are likely to have settled for lower-end properties with reasonable prices. This is likely because these borrowers now have a higher income and are looking to live in a more affluent neighbourhood.

The choice of school it’s normally not on people’s minds when they move into their first home as starting a family may have not even crossed their minds yet. Those who have begun thinking about starting a family will normally consider the school located in the area when looking to move.

Family & Friends

Moving closer to family and friends is a goal for some home movers. This is particularly the case when couples look to start a family. It can be helpful in instances where the parents both work full time and will likely be looking for childcare support from their family and friends. With private nurseries being an expensive option, sometimes living within close proximity to family and friends can be more cost-effective.

Buying vs Renting

Many First Time Buyers in Harrogate will choose to buy over renting, however, people moving home may look at the other side of the coin. The monthly payments are roughly the same between renting and buying. Regardless of this, moving home can be a challenging decision.

As mentioned, there is an alternative to moving out which remortgaging and can be good if you are wanting more living space. If you are looking for more information and guidance on this, we can connect you to one of our Remortgage Advisors in Harrogate who can help you find a brilliant deal to raise money for home improvements.

Contact a Mortgage Broker in Harrogate

If you are looking at Moving Home in Harrogate and are wondering how much this significant change will cost you, get in touch with Harrogatemoneyman today! We offer all our customers a free mortgage appointment to speak with one of our expert Mortgage Advisors in Harrogate. From this, they can calculate your maximum.

Sales Tactics of Estate Agents & Builders

Mortgage Advice in Harrogate

Whether you are a First Time Buyer in Harrogate actively viewing properties or a Home Mover in Harrogate with your house on the market, you may have noticed that some of the larger estate agents and builders are very keen for you to use their in-house mortgage advisor and conveyancing services. 

Being part of a stand-alone mortgage business we receive lots of feedback as to what sales tactics can be used, examples of this are;

Don’t be fooled, popular Estate Agent & Builder sales quotes include:

“Keeping everything under one roof is easier with one point of contact”

“If you use our services it will give the vendor peace of mind that everything will go through smoothly”

“You need to come in and see our mortgage advisor for your offer to be qualified”

“Your offer is more likely to be accepted if you use our mortgage advisor”

“We get better deals than most brokers”

“Everything is likely to go through quicker if you use us”

“We will do all of the chasing of the solicitors for you and they’ll be more responsive to us due to the amount of work we send them”

“We’ll give you a free carpet/washing machine if you use our (extortionately priced) recommended conveyancing service”

Remember, when negotiating a purchase price, do you really want the seller of your property having access to your personal financial situation and potentially knowing your maximum borrowing? & Harrogatemoneyman are trading styles of UK Moneyman Limited, which is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority.

UK Moneyman Limited is Registered in England, No. 6789312 | Registered Address: 10 Consort Court, Hull, HU9 1PU.

Authorised and Regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority.

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